Leadership@Play 2025 (In Person)
Course Information

​An adaptation of this course is also delivered to in-house executive teams.
A contemporary approach to leadership development
The intention of this foundational course is to expand a leader’s overall awareness enabling more complex and sophisticated ways of developing perspectives and clearer insights. Individuals are matched with an appropriate group of people who work through this experience collectively. This "group process" aspect accelerates learning and development of the individual, beyond what is possible with just one-on-one development alone. Two deeply experienced leadership coaches facilitates the group process and all participants are supported with another individual coach who will work with the participant one-on-one. Hence the individual is well supported through this personal transformation process.
It can be delivered in-person or online.

Leadership@Play In Person: 2025
One Evening + Five Days plus follow up support
Intro Evening: Setting the Scene
This evening session sets the tone for how the group will play over the months ahead.
Day 1: The Inner Game
This session nails the real habits of being that are keeping you both safe and stuck. It explores the concept of ego in relation to self and raises the critical question of who you really are beyond your conditioned identity. This is not about what you are doing as a leader but who you are being (how you are showing up) as a leader.
NB: The group enjoys an early dinner with one another as part of Day One.
Day 2: The Impact of your Inner Game
All participants will undergo a 360 evaluation using The Leadership Circle Profile to understand their leadership strengths and further clarify potential derailers. This workshop unpacks the Leadership Circle Profile so you fully understand which conscious ways of being will potentially propel you forward and which habitual (unconscious) behaviours will hold you back.
> Break and Coaching and individual 360 debrief
Days 3 and 4: The Outer Game of Communication
Increasingly leadership is understood as a balance of exceptional people and task competency, hence this two-day module focuses on the most critical leadership skill of communication. We introduce a framework and toolkit to immediately enhance the participants’ ability to a) ask questions which unlock possibility, b) listen to understand a situation more fully, and c) hold a room with a more impactful presence.
> Break and Individual Coaching
Day 5: Integration
This session reflects on all the concepts explored within the framework of adult development. It equips the participant with the support structures to continue with their own growth/evolutionary process including a leadership intention for their journey beyond the course. We conclude with a celebratory dinner.
Half-day Review and Reboot
It is human nature that once released into the world without the structure and support of the course to anchor you, it is easy to be pulled back into a vortex of old realities and this includes old behaviours. So, there are two ways we meet this challenge. Firstly the group has a process of peer coaching to support their on-going development after the main part of the course completes. Secondly, around 6-9 months after the course and peer coaching completion, the group is invited back to explore the impact of the experience, review key concepts and re-orient you back on your intended path if need be.
Details for next in person course NZ (Dates to be confirmed)
Cost per participant NZ$13,650 plus GST
Includes coaching, workshops, Leadership Circle Profile and the Global Leadership Profile evaluation and all other admin expenses.
Location: Play CoLab, Level 8, 187 Queen Street, Auckland.
Lead Facilitators/Group Coaches: Sandy Burgham & Jenny Devine.
Each group consists of around 10-12 people from different sectors.
Contact us to enquire about the programmes run within organisations as either online or in-person experiences.

Is Leadership@Play right for you?
You may be a Divisional Head or CEO/MD depending on the organisation and sector. You may have had some professional development or leadership coaching already but sense the need for something perhaps deeper and more fundamental to shift the way you play.
You are self-aware enough to know that repeated patterns may be tripping you up and may even have had some feedback about your leadership that has left you flummoxed or out of ideas on how to really shift you and your team’s output and impact.
You could do with some sort of “toolkit” for immediate use to enhance how you play with others and perform in the workplace.
You are fully prepared to be challenged in a safe environment.
And you might be aware of a nagging voice at the back of your head that says “so, now what?”