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Ethical Standards and Guidelines

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. A professional coaching relationship exists when coaching includes a business agreement defining the responsibilities of each party. Hence Play Contemporary Leadership CoLab shares these fundamental ethical standards and guidelines to which it adheres.
These have been adapted from both the International Coaching Council’s ethical guidelines (from where Sandy Burgham and Moira Mallon attained coaching credentials) and the International Coaching Federation Guidelines (from where Jenny Devine and Moira Mallon also attained coaching credentials) and aim to establish a standard of care for coaches and duty of care for coachees.

  1. 1) Play CoLab coaches will conduct themselves in accordance with these Standards of Conduct in all coach training, coach mentoring, and coach supervisory situations.

  2. 2) Play CoLab coaches will not give their prospective clients or sponsors information or advice that the coach knows or believes to be misleading or false.

  3. 3) Play CoLab coaches will have clear agreements or contracts with their clients or sponsors, and will honor all agreements or contracts made in the context of professional coaching relationships.

  4. 4) Play CoLab coaches will encourage their clients or sponsors to make a change if the coach believes the client or sponsor would be better served by another coach or by another resource.

  5. 5) Play CoLab coaches will suggest their client seek the services of other professionals when deemed necessary or appropriate.

  6. 6) Play CoLab coaches will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information.

  7. 7) All information shared within the professional development relationship remains strictly confidential to the Play CoLab coach and coachee. However, because every participant in a Play CoLab programme is working with at least two Play CoLab coaches, relevant information may be shared between coaches if it supports the development of the individual with agreement from the participant.


  9. 8) From time to time certain topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training or consultation purposes. 

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