Alumni@Play 2025
Course Information
If you want to go higher, you have to go deeper
Bob Anderson, Founder, Leadership Circle
This course will be the last one in this format as alumni touch points will be redesigned in 2025. Alumni@Play 2025 has been specifically built around a new global tool we are introducing into the practice that specifically locates a leader's developmental centre of gravity.
Run over four days, Alumni@Play explores stages of development at a deeper level with the help of an individual assessment in order for a leader to:
Recognise their current assumptions about their own leadership
Understand how to continue the stretch into the next stage
Get specific about where they may fallback to when the pressure is on
Spot where others – peers and direct reports and even people more senior – may be in their own stage.
Understand how to communicate and if possible coach people at various stages in order to enact individual, team or organisational transformation.

NB: Pre-course all participants will undergo a simple assessment regarding where they are likely to be playing from in a developmental sense.
Day One: Belief Formation
Deepening the understanding of Stages of Adult Development
This day introduces a deeper look at stages of adult development so participants can get a more specific understanding on where and how they are playing as well as the assumptions that underpin this.
Day Two: Leadership that gets stuck
The Play CoLab leadership development approach can have a rocking chair effect on individuals i.e. at some point during and after the course, the participant may experience being centred in a desired self-authored way of being, only to find that a situation triggers a return to patterned reactivity! This is normal – a real change in developmental stage is always preceded by a number of state changes.
Day Three: Leading through Polarisation
This session sharpens understanding of how to navigate polarity
in teams for collaborative outcomes
Day Four: Integration
This session correlates individual development to that of
organisations exploring different ways organisations evolve for impact and influence.
Leadership is considered in the broadest possible context: one that connects the personal to the global and incorporates legacy and impact.
Lead facilitators: Jenny Devine and Sandy Burgham

2025 Dates and Details
Dates: 9/10/11/12 June 2025.
Cost per participant $5,650 plus GST
Includes individual coaching debriefs and all other expenses excl travel and accommodation -
Location: Play CoLab, Level 8, 187 Queen Street, Auckland.
Lead Facilitators/Coaches: Sandy Burgham & Jenny Devine.
Each group consists of around 10 people from different sectors and different previous Play CoLab courses.
Option to Redo your LCP, including coaching for an additional $2K+gst.
Register by 31st December and get a 5% discount on the both L@P+ 25 and Alumni courses!
"It’s like the first Play course - but no holds barred, intensified, crystallised, unplugged, unedited, balls to the walls, raw and real. Only for those who really (really) want to go there - and if you do, it’s just undeniably momentous and worthwhile. Five days that I will never forget, with humans I will cherish forever, and have helped me in ways I didn’t realise I needed ❤️".
- Ruby Kolesky, CEO Joyous
"I've started my Play journey at 2020 and it was transformational. Having a deeper awareness and consciousness of myself changed my way of being at work (from culture building to solving for complex challenges) and in my personal life (self acknowledgement and be present). Alumni @ Play really elevated my inner understanding to the next level - digging deep into my life journey that formed my mask, shadow & false belief, learn what "just be" is truly like, and the confidence that I can sit with the discomfort during the growth journey. Sandy & Jenny's powerful facilitation along with great groups of cohort that elevate each others create an amazing toolset that is and will be crucial to my lifelong growth!!"
- Kitty Ling, Strategy & Transformation, Retail
"Like the first Play leadership course I did, the Alumni course will stick with me, and keep guiding me for many years to come. Sandy and Jenny are exceptional facilitators that continuously manage to get people searching deep within themselves and through their wisdom, and the shared wisdom of the group, they are insightful and inspiring as they genuinely want the best outcome for everyone they work with. I highly recommend it. Be prepared to be challenged and be open to change."
- Theresa Kinnear - CEO Bob’s Your Uncle
"I decided to join in with Play Alumni because I had just made some fairly big decisions about my career and I felt I needed a tune up of the Jenny and Sandy kind. The ‘tune up’ was exactly that, as well as an extension to the fascinating and insightful learning of my first Play Colab experience. But what was wonderfully surprising was the Alumni cohort. My first Play Colab cohort didn’t connect as a group beyond Play, so I felt quite nervous about how the group process would work in Alumni. But Alumni has been such a different experience. Every participant knew what we were up for and the commitment to the group was there from every person immediately. It was a deeply rich experience and I’m grateful for the care that was taken in the curation of the group. In fact I’d be keen to do it again!"
- CEO, Public Sector
"Alumni@Play has taken things to another level for me.. connections with like-minded inquisitive individuals who are ready to jump on and play has been amazing. Depth and breadth of conversation/connections and challenges… also allowed us to practice some conversations in a safe space and support and mentoring that’s just so valuable and empowering".
- Janice, CEO, Health Sector
"Loved the experience of playing with this mixed Alumni Group. We hit the ground running and went deep into the mahi, much helped by our already common language, experience and understanding from our first leadership course with Play Co-Lab and trust in Sandy and Jenny. You get what you put into this work and it was a pleasure to work with fellow leaders who actively supported each other to take the next step. Just do it!"
- Alison, Senior Leader, Health Sector
"The alumni programme was curated with an amazing bunch of humans that became instant friends. My biggest takeaway as we navigated adult development and organisational development stages, is how much society has become tribal and polarised….we need to realise how similar we all are as a human race rather than be defined by our differences. To take this away leaves me with more work still but I feel richer for it, Love Sandy and Jenny and their work."
- Michael, Dad and Independent Property Investment Consultant
"I felt like I needed, and was ready for, a Jenny and Sandy tune up. The experience of Alumni@Play was surprisingly brilliant for different reasons. As a collection of individuals who had already done Leadership@Play, meant we each knew what we were up for and everyone in the room had their hearts and minds open to the work from minute 1/day 1. Not a moment was wasted…..our Alumni group are still in touch 7 months on. I'm still using the tools from Leadership@Play and Alumni@Play. I highly recommend the Alumni experience!"
- Dana, Leader, Entertainment sector
“I thought my mind was blown when I attended the original Leadership@Play course which became a pivotal moment in my leadership journey but the Alumni@Play course was next level! It built on the key learnings I picked up on the original course and pushed me even deeper. I thoroughly recommend taking up the opportunity to revisit your learnings from the first course, learn a whole lot more and with a new group of highly engaged, passionate leaders. Months later I’m still reflecting on what I learnt on the alumni course and it continues to shape the type of leader I am”.
- Garth, HoD, Public Sector
"What a privilege to re-engage with what we know is powerful content. Also a chance to be challenged on ... your shit! Those things you've started believing about yourself again. It was like taking that next big step forward".
- Steve, CTO, Retail
“Through the guidance and generosity of the alumni group, understanding of self and the ability to be open to changing perspectives has significantly reduced frustration ,anxiety and disappointment living in this changing and complex world.
I was not able to get there by myself. The group is king! do it!"
- Russell, Director, Investment Services
"If the first course was transformational, the Alumni course worked to drive deeper into a new way of thinking and tapping into myself, my intuition and the how I connect with the world around me. It challenged me, shook me up and gave me new tools at just the right time , to use in my personal life and career. I’m forever thankful for finding this work that Sandy and Jenny have created, I’m sure I would still be leading aimlessly without it. And I’ve met another amazing group of people through the Alumni course."
- Vinny, Company Director, Marketing Communications.